Animal Farm - George Orwell

Autor: George Orwell
Editura: Bestseller
Anul aparitiei: 2023
in stoc
Pret vechi: 29.00 lei
24.65 lei
Discount: 4.35 lei (15%)


One of George Orwell's best books, a political fable based on the events of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and Stalin's betrayal of the cause.

The book shows a group of farm animals who overthrow their exploitative human rulers and establish an egalitarian society of their own.

In the end, the intelligent and power-loving leaders of the animals, the pigs, undermine the revolution. Concluding that "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" they form a dictatorship more oppressive and heartless than that of their former human masters.

Time Magazine and BBC included the book in the Top 100 Best Books Ever Written

"In Top 100 Best Books of the 20th Century." — The Guardian