English Somatic Verbal Idioms. A Translation Approach Case Study Oliver Twist - Mihaela Raluca Ionescu

Autor: Mihaela Raluca Ionescu
Editura: Casa Cartii De Stiinta
Anul aparitiei: 2018
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„The present book, the result of several years of study comprises six consistent chapters and two remarkably well-crafted appendices (Appendix 1: Lexicographical corpus of somatic verbal idioms and Appendix 2: Corpus of somatic verbal idioms in context: Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens). Their prime focus, regardless of size or theoretical perspective, ist o offer a detailed insight into the architecture of somatic verbal idioms, the translation process with its complex interrelationships and the cultural and semantic constraints in rendering somatic idioms into Romanian.
            The most original and thought-provoking chapter is the fifth one, which presentes the analysis proper of the somatic idioms Dickens employs in Oliver Twist. The chapter puts to use all theoretical concepts discussed in the earlier parts. The chapter addresses two main problems and makes two claims.”
Prof. univ. dr. Alexandra Cornilescu