Grammarway 1, Curs de gramatica engleza pentru clasa a V-a


Include teste de recapitulare, la sfarsitul a 5 unitati de invatare, a elementelor de gramatica asimilate si cheia exercitiilor la sfarsitul cursului. Se adreseaza atat elevilor, clasa a V-a, cat si adultilor, nivel incepator.

Autor: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
Editura: Express Publishing
Anul aparitiei: 2016
Nr. Pag: 158
Limba: Engleza
Disciplină: Limba Engleza
Format: 16X20 cm
Vârstă: 11 ani, 12 ani
in stoc
44.00 lei


Cursul de gramatica engleza Grammarway este alcatuit din 20 de unitati de invatare ilustrate color, fiecare centrandu-se pe o anumita structura gramaticala, contine elemente teoretice, modele de lucru si exercitii practice pentru asimilarea structurilor gramaticale ale limbii engleze: The Tenses (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Future), Modal Verbs, Indefinite Article, Plurals/ Countable - Uncountable Nouns, Prepositions, Subject/Object Personal Pronouns, Possessives, Questions, Adjectives/Adverbs, Comparisons etc. Activitatile de tipul: completarea spatiilor punctate, corectarea greselilor, formularea de intrebari, alegere multipla, pronuntie si ortografie etc. sunt menite sa consolideze cunostintele asimilate. Exercitiile au rolul de a ajuta la utilizarea corecta a diferitelor structuri in situatii reale prin activitatile de vorbire si scriere de la sfarsitul fiecarui capitol, cursul fiind cunoscut si ca un curs de"gramatica conversationala". Include teste de recapitulare, la sfarsitul a 5 unitati de invatare, a elementelor de gramatica asimilate si cheia exercitiilor la sfarsitul cursului. Se adreseaza atat elevilor, clasa a V-a, cat si adultilor, nivel incepator.


Grammarway 1 is the first book in a four-level grammar series presented in full colour. The book is designed for learners of the English language at Beginner level, and can be used for self-study or in the classroom as a supplement to any course at this level.

The aim of the book is to help learners understand basic English grammar structures through comprehensive theory tables and functional examples, accompanied by a wealth of attractive photographs and illustrations.

The book consists of 20 units, each focusing on a particular grammar topic. A typical unit contains:

presentation of the grammar structure by means of visual prompts

simple, concise explanation ol the grarmmar structures

examples in everyday conversational English, together with a few expressions showing slightly more formal use

exercises practising the new structures, to help learners use correct. appropriate patterns in everyday situations

speaking and writing activities to practise the new structures in oral and written form

A revision unit follows every five units to consolidate material presented in previous units .

Games Section for students to practise grammar structures taught while having fun.

The Picture Flashcards which accompany the book can be used for lively , motivating presentation of the target grammar structures.

The book adheres to the principie that every structure should first be heard, then practised in oral and, finally, in written form. Based on the use ol full-colour visual stimuli, the book encourages learners to speak before writing, and allows them to practise English structures through a variely of enjoyable and useful activities.

The Student' s Book is accompanied by a Teacher's Book containing:

guidance on presenting the theory of each unit, with or without Picture Flashcards

a full key to the exercises in the Student's Book

four tests in two separate versions each


The authors would like to thank Rania Dunn, Anna Miller, Laura Houston. Jonathan Harrison and Steven Davies for their help in producing this book. Many thanks to E. Mavragani (art director) and V. Sipsi (assistant director). We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.