Intermediate Student Book with MyLab Access Code - Michael Harris

Autor: Michael Harris
Editura: Longman Pearson Elt
Anul aparitiei: 2012
in stoc
240.38 lei


12 thematic modules for Pre-Intermediate and 10 thematic modules for Elementary and Upper Intermediate, each divided into sections:
- Topic Talk (opening page) - networks that provide guided choice by marrying functional language with lexical items
- Grammar Skills
- Writing Workshop
- Speaking Workshop
Text Builderin units for process writing

Grammar Practice– Grammatical structures compared and contrasted. Students trained in choosing forms that best express given meanings and intentions
Language Review/Self Assessmentevery second module. Revision exercises where students check their answers and use a feedback guide to choose what they need to practise more

Listeningwith two levels of difficulty (slow speed and authentic speed) catering for different levels of students. Also gives the option of listening to the more difficult version after students have listened to the easier level

Culture Choice - 6 x lessons at back of Students’ Book every two units which include cultural input, literature, songs and projects
At the back of the Students’ Book:
- Skills Builder - while doing listening, reading, writing and   communicative activities, learners are given support with strategies and language
- Culture Choice (optional lessons which present reading texts, poems
  and songs with projects related to the students’ own culture)
        - Language Choice booklet (further
           practice of vocabularyand grammar
           with a reference section for each
           language point that is presented)