The Intelligence of Matter - Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan

Autor: Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan
Editura: Scoala Ardeleana
Anul aparitiei: 2021
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40th Anniversary Edition - With an accompanying text by Neale Donald Walsch It contains Reviews and opinions on The Intelligence of Matter.
The present translation is based upon the 4th Romanian edition, revised and expanded, of The Intelligence of Matter (2021).
Translated by Vasile Andreica
Postface by Mircea Bărbuceanu

Can you please tell Prof. Dumitru Constantin-Dulcan that I have read his extraordinary book, The Intelligence of Matter, and I offer him my profound admiration and gratitude. His work is stunning and breathtakingly beneficial in helping our species to understand itself, and Life Itself. I am struck by how deeply similar his academic investigations produce levels of awareness matching what I received through only spiritual revelation. Please let him know of my lasting appreciation.
                              Lovingly, NEALE DONALD WALSCH
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Prof. Dr. DUMITRU CONSTANTIN-DULCAN, MD, came to the attention of the general public especially after the publication, in 1981, of the first edition of this book, The Intelligence of Matter, which immediately became a bestseller. In 1992, the book was awarded the “Vasile Conta” Prize for Philosophy of  the Romanian  Academy.
An impressive volume of information, extracted from the foremost areas of knowledge, is admirably synthesized in a unified, easily accessible work, written in a clear and attractive style.
The path of matter from the first wave of light to the moment when, through the human brain, it can become self-aware – this is the content of the book The Intelligence of Matter.