Enterprise 1 Beginner, Student' Book,(Manualul elevului pentru clasa V-a )


The course embodies a multi-syllabus approach and a wide variety of presentation methodology. Traditional emphasis on systematic learning of grammar and vocabulary is balanced with practice in communicative language use, the methodical development of linguistic sub-skills, and attention to details of spelling and pronunciation. Graded, structured material which facilitates learning is balanced with more authentic, unsimplified material which encourages language acquisition. Controlled practice leads from the initial learning of language items to genuinely communicative and creative activities.

Autor: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley
Editura: Express Publishing
Anul aparitiei: 2016
Nr. Pag: 162
Limba: Engleza
Disciplină: Limba Engleza
Format: 16X20 cm
Vârstă: 11 ani, 12 ani
in stoc
54.00 lei


Curs general pentru învăţarea limbii engleze, nivel gimnazial, clasa a V-a, este structurat

în 4 module, fiecare incluzând 4 unităţi de învăţare. Fiecare modul dezvoltă o anumită temă,

cu ilustraţii atractive şi un mod de abordare comunicativ pentru a motiva învăţarea

eficientă. Manualul dezvoltă cele patru abilităţi: vorbire, citire, scriere, ascultare, prin

intermediul unor activităţi interactive, redarea unor dialoguri şi situaţii din viaţa reală,

teorie şi exemple din gramatica limbii engleze, texte din surse contemporane însoţite de

exerciţii ce încurajează discuţii pe teme variate, secţiuni de pronunţie etc. Fiecare

unitate se încheie cu un proiect ce constă într-o activitate de scriere ce recapitulează

lexicul şi elementele de gramatică din unitatea respectivă şi o secţiune cu proverbe ce

îndeamnă la dezbatere, iar fiecare modul se încheie cu o secţiune de recapitulare şi

autoevaluare. Interesul pentru învăţarea limbii engleze este stârnit şi susţinut şi prin

intermediul secţiunii de imagini ce include activităţi de scriere şi vorbire pentru fiecare

unitate, a celei de cultură generală din universul anglofon şi a ghidului ce conţine

diferenţe lexicale între limba engleză britanică şi cea americană de la sfârşitul cursului.

Sunt incluse, în fiecare modul, pagini cu episoade de benzi desenate ce prezintă o legendă

binecunoscută, The Loch Ness Monster, şi jocuri al căror rol este de a încuraja şi motiva în

procesul de învăţare a limbii engleze, precum şi o listă de cuvinte noi şi verbe neregulate.

Manualul este conceput conform principiilor Cadrului European de Referinţă, nivelul A1+, şi

se adresează atât elevilor de clasa a V-a, cât şi adulţilor, nivel începător.


The course consists of fifteen units in four modules and a variety of supplementary material, including a workbook. In total, Enterprise 1 Beginner may be covered in 70-75 teaching hours.

Each unit ensures coverage of a core of common, useful language related to topics of general interest with which students need to be familiar. The units follow the same basic structure, outlined below:

• Lead-in sections draw on the students' knowledge of the given topic while previewing the new items of vocabulary and grammar to be learnt in the unit. The section ends with a listening activity, requiring students to listen to a recording of the reading text and complete a task, such as checking information, multiple matching and so on. This prepares students for the reading text which follows, by familiarising them with the gist of the passage.

• Reading sections consist of 50- to 150-word texts on factual topics, reflecting authentic types and styles of writing. These texts allow students to develop sub-skills such as reading for gist or for specific information, and present new vocabulary in a meaningful context.

• Language Development sections formally present new vocabulary and grammar items, and practise them in a stimulating and balanced variety of tasks. These include listening and speaking activities to ensure the integrated development of skills, and incorporate the teaching of notions such as sequence, purpose and so on.

• Vocabulary sections practise and extend the vocabulary introduced in the reading text, through various types of exercises. A particular feature of the book is the teaching of collocations, helping students to remember vocabulary items as parts of set expressions.

• Grammar sections present grammar items clearly and concisely, and reinforce students' understanding of these through grammar exercises. A range of activities then provide controlled practice leading to free use of the grammar items in genuine language tasks.

• Reading and Listening sections deal with meaningful texts on authentic, cross-cultural topics. These texts exploit the intrinsic interest of the subject matter as wen as providing relatively unsimplified language to cater for language acquisition. The listening tasks improve students' listening skills while preparing them for the reading tasks, which involve such skills as scanning for information, selecting relevant sections of texts and so on.

• Pronunciation activities help students to recognisesounds and reproduce them correctly. Intonation is regularly modelled and practised in numerous dialogues throughout each unit. All pronunciation exercises are on the CDs accompanying the coursebook.

• Communication sections providevaried practice involving meaningful exchanges which resemble real-life communication, and include language functions (i.e. offering, suggesting, etc.), the standard expressions associated with communicative situations (i.e . ordering a meal, travel arrangements, etc.), and sociolinguistic features such as the polite expressions appropriate to "friendly" or formal social contexts.

• Writing sections provide more extensive practice and consolidation of new language items. Writing tasks are thoroughly prepared beforehand, following guided practice of the language to be used, and based on the model provided by the initial reading text. Additionally, a listening activity ingeniously provides the information and plan to be followed, ensuring systematic, controlled development of writing skills. All writing activities are based on realistic types and styles of writing task, such as letters, descriptions, stories, articles and so on.

• Module Self-Assessment sections after every fourth unit reinforce the students' understanding of the topics, vocabulary and structures presented in the previous units. The material has been designed to help students learn new language in the context of what they have already mastered, rather than in isolation.

• Three entertaining adventure stories in a 'comic strip' format, presented in two episodes each, invite students to read for enjoyment and provide invaluable consolidation by means of an alternative approach.

• Culture Clips

The coursebook is accompanied by:

a) an easy-to-use Teacher's Book with full answers to the exercises in the Student's Book, useful suggestions for presenting and conducting the exercises, and four tests (each in two different versions);

b) Class CDs containing all listening activities, and Student's CDs;

c) Enterprise Beginner Workbook in which students can revise, consolidate and extend their language learning through a variety of engaging tasks.

d) Enterprise Beginner Test Booklet containing nine write­ in tests, a Mid-term test and an Exit test, which aim to assess students' progress throughout the course.